For over 40 years she has practiced her own Cosmic Wind and Water philosophy. Her “treasure trove” and showroom “Cosmic Green Dragon” is in Bussum, located in the heart of the Gooi, Gooise Meren in North Holland. Lynn’s reputation and her groundedness in part, in dealing with her guests, makes her so special.
That’s why they affectionately call her “Lady.” She performs her Cosmic Wind and Water consultations, coaching, lectures and workshops with great passion. That is why she is so popular and successful. Her clients have become acquaintances over the years and many are now her dear friends.
Link for free workshop + auction:
Hello all,
It is almost here again. Next Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, there will be a free workshop to benefit Children of the Future Foundation.
Time: 1 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Admission is FREE.
What is Lady Lynn going to talk about?
– How do the “stars” fall over the last quarter of 2022?
– What astrological signs and elements rule 2023?
– What does the 2023 outlook look like for the first quarter?
– Do we need to buy new products or can we reuse our “cures” and where should they be hung or placed?
– Are new products offered as pre-sales?
Surprising collectors’ items will be offered during the auction.
Rules can be read on our websites.
You can attend these via Google Meet:
Workshop + Auction
Participation information for Google Meet
Link for video call:
Registration of the Chamber of Commerce No. 85400068
Rabobank account no. NL32 RABO 0333 579 666
Attn: C. Gerkens-Lim (on behalf of the board of the foundation)
Children of the Future Foundation
Address : Eslaan 5 – 1404EE Bussum, Gooise Meren NEDERLAND
Phone number : +31 651285688 (Whatsapp/Messenger)
Website :
Email :, and

Under Activities :
SBI code 85599 – Tutoring, Cultural Formation and Education
SBI code 6831 – Intermediary activities in the sale, rental or leasing of real estate
SBI code 5811 – Publishing of books
Giving workshops with auctions. Sale of Oriental items at
for the benefit of interior, garden and personality. Publishing and selling of
books. Providing travel, coaching, consulting.

Cosmic Dragon Club 4 KIDS
Even children are never too young to learn. A parenting calculus can go a long way toward improving a family’s education and values.

Cosmic Dragon Club 4 Business
When is a businessman/woman successful and when is it time to reorganize?

The World of Wind Water Academy is designed to provide free lessons to children and those interested in the philosophy of authentic Cosmic Wind & Water.